Wednesday, February 4, 2009

please please please pray for this family!!

i got an email from my cousin today. here's what she sent:

I have a long-time friend that lost her baby yesterday and is devastated beyond words.
Please keep Elizabeth & Ryan Hornbeck in your prayers as they were expecting their third child, a boy, in just 3 weeks. She went in for an ultrasound yesterday and there was no heartbeat so they did an emergency c-section to find that the umbilical cord was wrapped so tightly around his little leg that it cut all oxygen.
I was told that he was perfect. Perfect skin, five pounds 6 ounces, and beautiful. He looked just like his older brother. Elizabeth held him and said her goodbye's, but Ryan cannot cope. Thanks

i cannot imagine what they are going thru. there are really no words.


Vic said...

I am so sorry to hear about your friend's loss. They are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. You're a good friend.

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

That is so sad! I will keep them in my prayers.

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

Prayers abounding... losing a child is something no one should ever have to cope with. My stomach clenches just thinking about this family's loss.

Cameron said...

That's so happens way too often. My thoughts go out to them.